edli's spot

Saturday, November 22, 2008


話說半年前, 有次和幾個朋友去西貢食海鮮, 因為是駕車去, 所以要係街邊搵車位
朋友黃生佢係度等位, 附近就係西貢既海鮮飯店, 亦唔少得大量"泊車仔"
到而家我都唔知因為乜原因, 有一位泊車仔先生, 走近朋友黃生, 話佢阻住佢搵食, 跟住就一連串!#%$%^#$
跟住我就走埋去, 正想同佢嘈之際, 就俾另外兩個朋友帶走
當時我仲未玩古惑仔online, 如果早d 玩, 可能會早d 體會
古惑仔online中, 最低級既古惑仔, 佢所以可做既任務, 就只有代客泊車
當呢個古惑仔升級之後, 佢就可以做其他任務, 例如, 賣翻版DVD, 代財務公司收數等等其他"大茶飯"
一諗到呢度, 就忽然醒覺...

前幾個月, 又有一次類之既情況發生, 不過今次就係深井裕記個停車場
當時又有一個泊車仔, 正因為我朋友既停車位置, 係度!@#%#$^@#$我朋友, 好在我呢位朋友關上車窗, 如果唔係俾佢聽到, 我諗呢個泊車仔小則受輕傷, 又或者重傷, 甚至危殆
我企左係一旁, 只係感覺到同呢d 最低層人嘈都無謂
唔知點解好似所有最低級既古惑仔都只係會撩事鬥非, 我諗, 佢地想轉去賣翻版DVD呢條路都真係好長...


有邊個人會一款鞋, 買兩對?
尋晚係東滙城Novotel 食完自助餐後, 想睇下係經濟低迷下, 究竟零售商品會唔會平左.
經過Rockport, 鞋款是一向的"七", 減價亦和平時差不多.
講開Rockport 鞋, 其實我都有一對, 咁七既鞋我都日日著, 因為其實好舒服, 雖然曾經俾人形容對鞋係大怪獸.
行完Rockport, 就走左去Mirabell, 去到Salem果part.
第一次買Salem鞋應該係零六年新年, 當時大約以一千蚊左右買既.
買左之後, 好中意, 日著夜著, 經過兩年時間既折磨後, 人人都同我講我係時候應該換鞋.
冇換, 係因為試過不下十多廿次去唔同既鞋鋪, 想搵返同款/或最起碼相似的, 但從來都搵唔到
隔左幾個月, 自己都頂唔住, 就求其買左對, 相近款式
有一刻曾後悔當初點解咁中意對鞋, 點解唔買兩對, 但冇偈, 已經冇得賣
從來都唔覺得買鞋係一件煩腦既事, 但經此一役, 發覺原來自己咁固執
尋晚終於再次見到同一款鞋, 原價1280, 而家做50% off, 只需640, 買兩對仲有多10% off
猶豫兩分鐘, 同sales 講: 唔該要多一對同款同size
買左之後, 而家有d 擔心, 擔心遲少少公司如果炒人而我又搵唔到工做, 呢兩對鞋就唔知點算好.


Monday, May 05, 2008


自小對東涌的記憶, 就只有十多二十, 或二十多年前, 一家人在屯門青年灣, 乘船到東涌一日遊. 那時的東涌, 就是一個完全郊外的地方, 沒車到, 沒餐廳, 就只有一兩家士多, 就像二十年前的烏溪沙.
現在, 我就坐在五十多層樓高, 涼著冷氣, 寫Blog, 相信亦是望著同一個山景.
世事難料, 誰會知五年, 十年, 或某段時間後, 會發生甚麼事呢?....


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

94 Mouton vs 93 Grand Puy Lacoste

Can you imagine a 93 Grand Puy Lacoste (5 eme) taste better than a 94 Mouton Rothschild(1 eme)?

Some background information for non-wine lover. In the world of red wine, Bordeaux red wines are at the apex. The best and most famous wines are usually come from Bordeaux left bank. In the left bank, 61 top wines were classified into Grand Cru Classes (GCC), and GCC are sub-catagorized into first to fifth growth (1st eme to 5th eme). The most famous wine from 1st eme must be Lafite. Other than Lafite, Latour, Margaux, Haut Brion and Mouton are also first growth. In short, these 5 big names stand at the apex.

Last week I had a casual dinner with friends, but casual dinner today may mean drinking 2nd eme Las Cases and Montrose. After the dinner, Jeff, Ivan and Voller came to my place and we had a tasting that comparable to 神之水滴 when 神之雫 is looking for a lower rank wine to fight with Mouton. 神之雫 has chosen a Grand Puy Lacoste and we did the same and had the same result. Haha, a $500 wine beat a $4000 wine.


Saturday, December 01, 2007


Today I had a training about First Aid provided by LB. We spent 6 hours to learn about the basic of First Aid. We don't have any written exam, and only a practical exam: CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation). (Picture from Wikipedia)


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Lion Rock

Today is the first time in my life I am at the peak of Lion Rock.
Having been living in HK for 32 years, Lion Rock is just something very close to me, but I have never come close to it.

Well, starting from today, I can proudly tell my friends that I have been to the peak of Lion Rock.


Sunday, November 04, 2007

I love cooking

Spent much time on cooking last 2 weeks:


Creme Brulee:


And planned to make soy bean soup tomorrow, and of course will spend more time on Chinese dishes instead of weatern dishes.


A nice picture

I took a very nice picture 2 weeks ago when I had a 83 Margaux and few others great wines in a roof top in central.
And here is the wine we tasted on that night:


Saturday, October 13, 2007


1. 中三的暑假, 參加了教協舉辦的暑期廣播劇宿營, 舉行地點是中文大學, 住宿地點是中大新亞書院的知行樓. 那是我第一次到大學, 亦是第一次看見中大那美麗的環境. 還記得晚上不肯睡就是和同學一起在休息室看沙田大埔的夜景.
結果, 中七選大學時, 沒參觀港大和科大, 只選了中大. 獲中大取錄後, 就把新亞書院為首選. 獲新亞書院取錄後, 就挑了知行樓為宿舍首選.

2. 從少到大, 家住屯門公屋的我, 每次到九龍也會經過深井, 每次經過深井就會看見深井那些無敵海景的住宅, 夢想總有一天可以搬到深井, 擁有一個無敵海景的單位.
現在距離這個夢想不遠了, 打算在明年年頭, 就把手上已住了五年多西環單位賣掉, 搬到深井去.

3. 由小學四年班開始, 舅父便常常帶我去深水步逛電子零件店, 又會把一些簡單的電路圖和零件給我, 讓我製作一些簡單的電子玩具, 當然是要用燒焊焊接的.
所以, 這也是我為甚麼大學時會讀電子的原因.
(題外話, 去年看見那個甚麼星之子陳亦希, 製作那個甚麼盲人水杯而給傳媒說成天才發明家似的, 真的可笑.)